I hope to share what I have learned over the years working in ActionScript. I will try to stick to Flash and Flex but some occasional html, JavaScript, or server side code may slip through.
I enjoy most all programing languages but flash has always been my favorite. I have worked with flash since Flash 5 and have loved it ever since. Drawing and animating first caught my attention, but pulling elements together with code sold me on it. It reminded me of working in Hyper Card on my old Apple Classic.
Transitioning from hobby to ocupation I worked on a financial modeling application that used only Flash as the user interface. From there I have used flash to build digital photo books, play videos, record videos, colaborate simultaniously, visulaize data, and simulate environments.
I have facilitated several workshops and enjoy seeing the Flash community grow. To continue with that effort over time I will showcase some old projects, show off some new ones, and preach about best practices.
Enjoy and stay tuned.